This article explains how to connect an AWS EC2 instance to a domain registered with GoDaddy. It is assumed that the EC2 instance is already running and publicly […]
Author: admin
Connecting to Your Linux Instance from Windows Using PuTTY
The following instructions explain how to connect to your Linux instance using PuTTY, a free SSH client for Windows. It is assumed that the EC2 instance is […]
Useful Links
Check IP address: IP address lookup with Amazon Web Service BuiltWith Technology Lookup: find out what websites are built with (web server, framework, libraries, document information, etc.) LAMP vs […]
AWS EC2 Instance with Ubuntu Apache2 Web Server
This article explains how to launch an Ubuntu AWS EC2 instance, deploy a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack with a default website, and map the server with a domain […]
AWS Elastic IPs
The public IP address of a running EC2 instance, as it is, is reallocate each time you stop or restart the instance. In order to have a persistent […]
AWS EC2 Instance with Windows Server IIS Web Server
This article explains how to launch a Microsoft Windows AWS EC2 instance, deploy a WISA (Windows, IIS, SQL Server, and ASP.NET) stack with a default website, and map the […]
Create Simple ASP.NET Web App
This tutorial shows how to create a simple “Hello World” web site and deploy to IIS. Launch Microsoft Visual Studio and create a new project Select “ASP.NET Empty […]
Deploy ASP.NET Web App to IIS
This tutorial explains how to publish and deploy a web application to IIS. Important: you must have a domain mapped to the web server instance that hosts […]
Deploy ASP.NET Core Web Application
ASP.NET Core is the next generation, open source, framework for web applications. It is designed to run on .NET Core, a cross-platform and open-source managed software framework similar to .NET […]